Colin & June

England, January/February 2019

What did you like most about Sri Lanka?

The people, the scenery and the smells.

What did you like least about Sri Lanka?

We knew it was going to be hot and it was.

What is your opinion of your accommodation in Sri Lanka?

All different and all good. We did think that we would be staying in towns, where possible, to allow us to wander out of the hotel and around a little at night. [The customers requested a special 'fair trade' itinerary (our first!), which meant visiting and staying in places off-the-beaten track and not close to towns, in general.]

Quite enjoy little comforts, such as tea/coffee making in the rooms (some had and some hadn’t).

What is your opinion of your chauffeur guide in Sri Lanka?

We had Anura for 10 days and Ravi for 5. We were told that it would be Ravi for just one day but then it was confirmed that he would complete the full 5 days. Both never let us down and were always there early to pick us up.

Of course, we got to know Anura much more than Ravi and found him very kind, considerate and generous. He knew his stuff about history, religion, wildlife and the natural world and was always informative every time he spotted anything interesting or when we questioned him. He also speaks Japanese!

Ravi took us to lots of places and, as with Anura, always willing to go anywhere we wished to go.

He took us to lace-making, showed us a Japanese built Buddhist temple, Tsunami memorial, moonstone mine, lagoon boat trip and Geoffrey Bawa gardens. In Colombo he took us to a Buddhist temple/museum, temple on lake, city museum, independence memorial and a walk round town. As with Anura he was very friendly and obliging.

What is your opinion of your flights to and from Sri Lanka?

Very Good - everything was timed well. [Emirates - Business Class - Manchester]

Any other comments?

We didn’t see any Fair Trade tea plantations. [Whilst not officially accredited, Amba Estate, Ella operates on a fair trade premise, is organic, and supports its workforce and local community with a variety of initiatives.]

It was interesting that at Gospel House Handicrafts [Madampe] we coincidentally met up with the CEO from the World Fairtrade Organisation and an Oxfam executive, who are trying to increase marketing options for these local industries since the demise of Traidcraft.

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