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Tika Traveller

Discover Sri Lanka & Maldives From Those Who Know It Best

Blogs from Tikalanka are designed to enhance your knowledge of Sri Lanka and Maldives and keep you up to date with recent developments. We intend to post regular features on travel, news, lifestyle and accommodation as well as guest articles from current and past customers, which will give you first-hand experience of Tikalanka, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Category: Sustainability

Sri Lanka national flag

TikaWeeks #23-1/2019: Sri Lanka update

Posted by John on 3rd June 2019

The relaxing of travel restrictions to Sri Lanka from European countries continues with the Netherlands. We again hope that the UK won’t be far behind. On another positive note, Sri Lanka has introduced an Environment Commemoration Week this year to celebrate World Environment Day on 05 June with various programmes aimed at addressing the principal environmental issues faced by the island nation.

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Batik, Sri Lanka

TikaWeeks #27/2018: Sri Lanka update

Posted by John on 8th July 2018

With fairly traded goods and services you have the power to change the world every day since simple shopping or holiday choices can get local producers and providers a better deal. This means that they can make their own decisions, control their future and lead the dignified life everyone deserves. Our new Fair Trade Sri Lanka holiday combines an introductory tour of the island with visits to fair trade producers while staying in local accommodation. This week’s update also continues our “Peoples of Sri Lanka” series and suggests places to stay off the beaten track.

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Plastic for recycling

TikaWeeks #10/2018: Sri Lanka update

Posted by John on 11th March 2018

After an unsettling and difficult week in Sri Lanka, it is refreshing to bring some positive news of the island’s commitment to environmental challenges with the banning of plastics from all designated Protected Areas, including all national parks and World Heritage Sites. This directive is a much needed boost to the country’s conservation efforts and a signal that the government takes environmental issues seriously. We continue with our food series, provide an accommodation update and suggest a reading list to appreciate the island’s wealth of architecture.

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